Contact, fees and links to T&Cs

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For your peace of mind.

For your peace of mind.


Affiliate Member of

The Trusted Business Community

You can read a bit more about me here in the directory.

Summary of fees per 1000 words.

All my fees are negotiable. Drop me a message to ask about undergraduate discounts!

* fees are subject to change so please keep checking for up to date rates. *

Proofreading from £17.00 up to 1000 words. (additional word cost negotiable)

Copy-editing from £20.00 up to 1000 words. (additional word cost negotiable)

Substantial editing, rewriting, development editing £30.00 up to 1000 words (additional word cost negotiable)


Writing, — from £155 up to 1000 words

Writing with research or background required from £250.00 up to 1000 words


Daily rate from £350 - Project rates negotiable.

How do I calculate these rates?

Firstly, think value not cost.

A few hundred words could generate thousands for you in revenue.

My fees are based on Procopywriters and CIEP median rates.

The rates assume freelance professionals run their own business and therefore include a factor to allow for costs that an employee does not have.

The freelance hourly rates are therefore not directly comparable with hourly employee rates.

Costs such as holidays and sickness absence, pension provision, continuing professional development (CPD), office space and utility bills, software and subscriptions, and business equipment and supplies which would be payed by an employer have to factored into rates.

*Distinction* gained at Proofreading Academy